Greyhawk Landing CDD Update:
Posted Wednesday 3/05/2025 progress in all areas is being made, steadily but slowly! Next update will be posted Wednesday 3/12/2025
RFID distribution beginning Wednesday 3/5/2025, this will be street and date specific and ALL VEHICLES WILL GO TO REC CENTER FOR TAG INSTALLATION! This is due to limited number of volunteers for the hours required to install RFID Stickers!
A huge Thank You to those volunteers who have helped with the installation to date!
CDD Meeting Thursday 3/27/2025 at 6 PM at Mulberry Clubhouse
Both pools are open. Both spas are open, however Mulberry spa has air lock issues, proposals are pending and Rec Center pool is having heater issues which are being evaluated this week.
Play and Spray replacement, Rec Center pool resurfacing have been approved and scheduled for work later this year. It will be a new facility that will last for the next 25 years.
The Fitness center (gym) is open
Nature Trails – All nature trails are OPEN. Petrel trail has been repaired and is fully open after concrete repairs. Being Nature Trails there will always be fallen debris in areas, random areas that are slippery, and even occasionally uneven concrete. USE CAUTION AS BIKE RIDERS SHARE THESE TRAILS WITH WALKERS AND JOGGERS.
Streetlights Please email Andrew with any lights that are not on overnight, each pole has a number, include pole number and street name.
Perimeter fencing The CDD is waiting for several proposals to repair these areas and decisions will be made at March Board meeting after Board discussion of the proposals as the proposals submitted to date were vague and more details are needed. Thank you for your patience.
FHP continues to issue citations (up to 30 per month) within GHL, speeding and not stopping at stop signs continues to be a huge safety issue. Slow down and stop at stop signs!
If you see any suspicious or criminal activity, please call MCSO (941) 747-3011 Ext. 2260 (to report a crime or incident) immediately not the gatehouse or Andrew or Hannah. Gatehouse ph number is 941-750-9046.
For questions, comments, or concerns, Please contact CDD Field Manager Andrew Davis at : and/or Hannah Alhalel at or phone 941-708-1104